
Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's always worth a try dudes!

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We were at Simon Cabaret on Friday night here in Phuket. You know 30 lady boys and 30 Thai guy’s cabaret show - all playbacks. It was funny. My girlfriend said it’s pretty sad she could spend any number of hours making herself look pretty but would still look less fortunate than those lady boys. I confronted her stating she had a real pussy – for better or worse. She looked at me like chewing over what I just said, nodded and looked back towards the stage. After a moment she turned back to me and whispered: “And I have much nicer boobs!” which she certainly had. “You know, tying a robe behind your head and taking a benji-jumb would lift your face a bit too…” I continued and faced a bolting bird just about to knock my head of like a good damned woodpecker. “Fuck you too,” she hissed.

I do have to wonder though. These guys dancing at the Cabaret looked more like faintly undulating snag of logs. Hands protruding out like some “extra” branches waiting to be smartened up for the party that ought to be following the performance… but no, still hanging there idle. “You know if they felt like dancing would they not take their hands to the party too?” My friend glanced at me and laughed. “Yeah, looks a bit dumb.”

I had to say the past two days of being Gary had been a blast. I never thought before being Gary could be so much fun. I know, Gary’s of this world remind you of beardy, hairy, bald, and chubby men on their 40’s. I made a much better Gary. And that French did agree. I truly hope the real Gary got a bang for himself too – I knew it couldn’t have been better but for the pity – and for gratitude. We had fucked 48hrs in a row excluding momentary feeding sessions, provided by discreet room service at our hotel. He flew out this morning – back to France, back to his girlfriend, back to misery.  I truly felt sorry for him and his poor pussy-bird. I hate dishonestly, I could never live with myself if I'd that be dishonest to anyone. Thus, I have refrained from making promises I cannot keep. That is as simple as that.

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I met a wonderful woman today at the poolside. She was having a short break from work with her daughter. Delightful company at the poolside where we emptied few glasses of wine (They call it wine here) or bottle or two. Well, one shouldn’t count what one drinks. The important thing was that we had a good laugh. She possessed this marvelous sense of humor and an eye for spotting gay guys at the poolside. It really helped a lot. I am not hopeless but not an expert either. Anything that moves is a potential target but you know all this wasted energy without properly targeting it is kind of useless. I needed a trained eye – and who’s better in spotting gays than women. Some women are hopeless in spotting gays. Some are inerrable. She was – well much better than a mediocre.

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Some of the poolside lobsters were horrendous. I think it’s really been a while since I’ve seen so many fat people at once. All supercharged into sunbathing chairs next to each other made this slick hotel pool area look like a meet store with lost lobsters tucked away into a remote location to burn to death - out of sight. Well they were not out of sight, they were THE sight - not a requested sight I must say but all lying shamelessly there regardless. Gosh I hated fat people – Could they just loose those extra pounds and look decent!

I emptied my (yes, I do not count anymore) glass and plunged in. I paddled to the end of the pool to see this nice guy down there. He’d seen me with my girlfriend at the pool area everyday so he unsuspectingly let me paddle all-too-close to him. We chatted and laughed. His girlfriend had gone to the beauty parlor and I suggested we’d go for a beer at my terrace which he agreed. He must have guessed what was in my mind because as I had closed the door behind me he had dropped his pants and asked if he could take a quick shower. I agreed to that with only one pre-requisite – I must accompany him. He winked and we took a shower. The rest is self-explanatory.

And no, it wasn't this one, hahaha!

Cheerio! J

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