
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

“If I could turn back time…”

Randomly googled pic
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way I’d take back those words that hurt you and you’d say…

Rest of the lyrics from our famous never old dame
Well, frankly speaking, I don’t want to turn back the time. Do you?

I could iron out some of the budding wrinkles on my forehead but, hey, there is Botox for that.  When I look at teen boys it does not make me feel I want to be back “there”. I’ve been there already, years ago. When I was at their age I had fun. But I had fun because I experienced it for the first time. Having to grow up and do all that all over again doesn’t really sound that swell when you are looking at it from my angle. Being 30 is great. Best time of my life - so far! But why are we so obsessed with youth and turning back time to change things that are bygones already. I am STILL having fun, everyday! No regrets and fun is just getting better every year.
Randomly googled pic
I guess I am fortunate. Many people have few or more things they would like to change if they only could. But would those people be what they are without those actions… reminds me of “the Butterfly Effect” starring Ashton Kutcher... I think, we are better left what we’ve got.

I guess few people want to be old! Well I know few who do, but statistically speaking most do not. So we live with what we’ve done and what we've got. If we’d spend our time pondering about getting old, then we’d miss all the fun of now. And we only live once so we better live every single day – in full. 

Some of my gay friends are drearily negative. They complain about getting old and the more they do so the more old they look. Being old is a mental state of mind. Well, at least for me. And I do not feel a bit old. It must be the abundance of sex! Active sex life keeps you virile!

Well there are of course other things that can help to lift your spirit up. For example, this is my view where I am currently sitting and writing:
Splendid, isn’t it. Currently nothing is obscuring my view. I am looking at the Andaman Sea. Sipping my Caffe Americano and picking at my chocolate cake. Life is great! Not sure if it could be any better. I mean of course one could make a list of things one needs and wants but honestly – I don’t really need anything more right now.

Sea breeze, water fountain on my left, enough battery in my computer to finish this posting and motorcycle upstairs waiting to get on to the road later on this afternoon. And, I can’t wait to ask that cute guy sitting on a table upstairs terrace to join the ride – behind me :)

Cheerio! J

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