
Monday, July 16, 2012

Why do gay guys have small … dogs?

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Size of the dick is the measure of man's manhood. Like with dogs, the smaller the dog, the snappier the dog... ;-) So when a gay guy is choosing its dog what does he want to tell us with his selection?

There are few things a guy wants from his dog in addition to the fact that he wants his dog to express his personal style. So, what to consider in the selection process? Color, size, sex and breed are probably the most important attributes. Some select only mixed breed dogs, some will only accept homeless dogs and some like their dogs to mix well with their interior design. Some people find little bit about themselves in dogs appearance and some just select randomly or based on friends referrals. And some, get a dog by accident. Like my mom when my younger sister wanted one but grew tired of taking it out after few months.

So yes, how one selects his or her dog, is not a complete mystery for me, but i still don't get how one wants to land on with something like a dog for 10+ years!

So what does a gay guy wants to communicate with his dog then?

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  1. I don’t need a big dog to boost my ego – I have a big cock
  2. I have a big dog because I am big too
  3. I have a puppy because I want to be a puppy too?
  4. I chose a big one – Are you getting my hint?
  5. I have an ugly, big and briskly dog – you see I am pretty llama myself
  6. I choose a big dog, a Doberman – I need protection. And you’ll need it too.
  7. I am an old fart, going on my 60’s and I choose a small peppy dog – if it doesn’t cheer me up nothing can 
  8. I have a small dog - i feel masculine. I'll protect it with my life
  9. I heard big dogs eat a lot. As I am 180 and weighing 40kg soaking wet my budget could not bare a big dog eating me into a brink of bankruptcy
  10.  …
Dogs tell much about their owners don't they! So they tell us. I have never cared for a dog. Why? Well I am never home and when I am home I prefer to be left alone and not turning on my heels and head back out for a walk. Goddammit, I just walked home!

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I think it would be wrong to close a dog behind the bars in a relatively small city-condo. I thought about a cat too. But I hate the smell of cat pee and poo, and my textiles are far too nice to be torn down by deceitful little cats. 
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How about getting a gold fish then? Well, I thought about it for a while too – but as you know their memory of 3seconds makes them happy in the round bowl for a month or so and then they catch back problems from all that clock-wise swimming and die on you. Ethically speaking, I am better off alone.

I rather have men… many… J

Cheerio J

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